Aim for practical application of fully automatic operation in limited areas in 2020

Requirements will be lowered if the region is limited.

It is extremely diffi cult to realize completely autonomous driving regardless of place even with the latest technology of the present day. It is also socially diffi cult to introduce completely autonomous driving that enables driving anywhere without a driver at the same time from the perspectives of maintenance and acceptability for users. We therefore develop autonomous driving in a limited region and accumulate results of demonstration experiments in order to bring about autonomous driving technologically and socially by the end of 2020.

  • Select a limited region for demonstration of autonomous driving.
  • Collect data in collaboration with businesses in the limited region.
  • Develop and examine the autonomous driving system with vehicles owned by the center.
  • Lend vehicles to businesses and accumulate results by a driving-support-type operation.
  • Consider sustainable business models with collaborative companies.
  • Obtain approval for completely autonomous driving in the region with the accumulated results.
  • Develop the same process in similar regions.